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380: Tiktok Shop Blunder!

380: Tiktok Shop Blunder!

In which the NetHeads discuss how to toy industry is once again putting out spoilers for the big MCU upcoming movie, Apple's lackluster AI presentation and their adoption of features Android had ages ago, and more than likely more 3D Print Talk.

SPONSOR: ►► Go to or use the code NETHEADS20 to get 48% off a subscription or 20% off a single purchase of greater energy and focus.

379: Toy-Ler Time Again!

379: Toy-Ler Time Again!

In which the NetHeads discuss how to toy industry is once again putting out spoilers for the big MCU upcoming movie, Apple's lackluster AI presentation and their adoption of features Android had ages ago, and more than likely more 3D Print Talk.

SPONSOR: ►► Go to or use the code NETHEADS20 to get 48% off a subscription or 20% off a single purchase of greater energy and focus.

377: Explain THIS To The Kids!

377: Explain THIS To The Kids!

In which the NetHeads talk for almost 20 minutes just to encourage you to join the chat and just HAVE to talk about the Deadpool & Wolverine Popcorn Bucket because EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE TOO!

Stephen The LightSpeed's D&W Popcorn Buckets:
Stephen The LightSpeed's Other Stuff:

SPONSOR: ►► Go to or use the code NETHEADS20 to get 56% off a subscription or 20% off a single purchase of greater energy and focus.

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