Ming welcomes Grammy nominated singer-songwriter Samantha Aurelio as she fills in for the working Sam Q. Ming and Samm talk about their half marathon preparation and Back to the Future. With special guest AJ.
Rusty and James catch up. Talk summerween, then read an add for a listener and that turns into the game Read It. James goes OFF and we mean OFF on the NFL. James gives the same NEWS he did when he was last on the air. oops! Enjoy the show.
Walt stalks Git ‘Em Steve Dave. Bry is unintentionally given the royal treatment. TESD poses the question: “Why were the kid’s nuts exposed in the first place?”Music: John Riccardi - Regulator
Mike and Ming talk Futures End. Mike gets buried under an avalanche of 'Life With Archie' issues. Holy Reservations! Mike and Ming witness a bat-tastic hotel mixup.