#256: Bry the Defiler - Tell 'Em Steve-Dave!
#221: August 21, 2015 - Hollywood Babble-On
#194: Ghost of Podcasts Past - NetHeads
#49: Steve's New Job - Gettin' Sketchy
Josh is inappropriate and takes things too far. Steve has money issues and is going to have his legs broken. Together they’ll help save the world! With help from their friend Douchey the Douchebag, they’ll teach folks about humane and inhumane ways to kill cows, create new ice creams and cereal, and order an orange pop. Plus, Josh gives his advice on meditation and starting an animation.
#35: League of Fresh Extraordinary Sesame Kindergarten Cops - Big Bald Broadcast
#47: Mariners V Red Sox : Dawn of Justice - FEaB
#333: The Bad News Bears Commentary - SModcast
#91: Big Fat Utlity Belt is Back - Fat Man on Batman
#9: Ken Levine Talks Salad & Scrambled Eggs - Talk Salad and Scrambled Eggs (Frasier Reconsidered w/ Matt Mira and Kevin Smith)
#392: Friday, August 14, 2015 - SModCo SMorning Show
#391: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - SModCo SMorning Show
#73: LADY CLUCK, MOTHERF***ERS! - Edumacation
#185: Issue #185 - I Sell Comics!
#220: August 14, 2015 - Hollywood Babble-On
#193: So, That Happened - NetHeads
#332: #ScanBC Philes, Vol. 1 - SModcast
#48: Tongue Punching - Gettin' Sketchy
Josh and Steve return for another episode! This week Josh wusses out of calling the podcast what Steve wanted him to, watch Donald Trump, prove how unmacho they are, get busted, hang up some sexy posters, listen to Insane Clown Posse and Nirvana, and discuss SMoly Bible. All this and some other stuff too. Thanks for listening!