“Rather than make you wait until Saturday night after Hall H, we’re gonna show you the #JayAndSilentBobReboot trailer RIGHT NOW!”
The Jay and Silent Bob Reboot official red band trailer is now live on Kevin Smith’s YoutTube channel.
Smith first announced early in the week that attendees of his Saturday night “Kevin Smith Reboots Hall H” San Diego Comic-Con 2019 panel would get to see the trailer, after which it would be released publicly.
“It’ll go out to the world soon after, so folks are going to see much more of the cast, plot and in-movie artwork,” posted Smith.
So when the trailer was released to the world earlier today, the internet exploded with the news — as the trailer reveals many big casting choices and cameos that Smith has held closely until the trailer release.
The trailer, at more than 3 minutes long, plays like a sizzle reel made for fans of Kevin Smith films. It includes a stinger at the end inviting fans to watch the film with Smith and his co-star Jason Mewes as they will be touring the film across the United States with “The Jay & Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow” (tickets and showtimes now available).
NOTE: Reboot comes out in the Fall. The B&C poster says “Summer” because that’s when it comes out in the #viewaskewniverse.) Art by #marianodiaz!
Fans attending Smith’s SDCC panel shouldn’t feel slighted at the early release of the trailer. In fact, it will surely heighten anticipation for even more of the film to be revealed.
“But if you’re at Saturday night’s “Kevin Smith Reboots Hall H” panel, you’ll not only see the Reboot trailer: I’m gonna show you the #Bluntman movie-in-a-movie scene too!" posted Smith.
This is a big week for the always working Smith, who is currently aboard the IMDB San Diego Comic-Con Boat. So the early trailer release is a relief for fans afraid they may not get to see it in Hall H as the “Kevin Smith Reboots Hall H” runs directly after the Marvel Studios panel.
Whether fans will see a slice of the film at SDCC or the feature in their hometown as part of the Reboot Roadshow, Smith is sure fans of the ViewAskewuniverse will be delighted.
“I can’t wait to start sharing this epic! It’s my all-time favorite of all my flicks and also a meta scrapbook of my entire career (and life) that sequelizes all the #viewaskew movies in one sprawling story!”